Alexander Mering

I am a book writer, digital creator, blogger and professional webmaster from Indonesia who has been working for more than 25 years. Alone and with my team, I have created hundreds of local and international projects that support freedom of creation.

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"My new book, the world's first village traveler book."

Before you embark on your travels, I recommend that you read my new book first, which is a record of my journey exploring from village to village in Indonesia, so that you don't repeat what Columbus and Vasco da Gama did centuries ago. This book is not a travel guidebook, but I intentionally wrote it to stir up your feelings, to kick you out of your seat and encourage you to go to the most remote places in the world. More...

Recent Posts

You can see some of my work and activities here

Profil Saya di Media
Kalimantan: Saving the forest for the feature
Bayang Tembawang: Kumpulan Puisi karya 50 penulis Kalimantan Barat
Alexander Mering – die Stimme der Dayak
Buku 100 Tokoh Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Indonesia Ganti Warna Cover!
Design Flyer Buku 100 Tokoh K3 Indonesia
Cover Buku Seringai Kunang-kunang, Design Pilihan Pembaca
Buku 100 Anak Tambang Indonesia yang meraih 2 Rekor MURI
Editor & Design Cover Buku Merawat Kebangsaan

An encouraging quote from me:

"Something I know that you don't know, something you know that I don't know, that's why life is so important and beautiful to be written."
